Hurricane Damage
Our team of insurance claim experts have a proven track record of success. From structural engineers to meteorologists, public adjusters, hurricane insurance adjusters and property damage appraisers, we know what needs to be done and who to get involved to settle your claim.

Hurricane Damage
Our team of insurance claim experts have a proven track record of success. From structural engineers to meteorologists, public adjusters, hurricane insurance adjusters and property damage appraisers, we know what needs to be done and who to get involved to settle your claim.
Hurricane Insurance Claim help has provided insurance claim help for victims of every major hurricane in Texas. Our clients have said that attempting to manage their hurricane damage claims and deal with the insurance company on their own was more overwhelming than the actual hurricane. Our teams of public adjusters and loss experts provided the relief they needed and the settlements they deserved.
Every home and business owner should take proactive measures in the event a hurricane or another insured peril damages his or her property. Prepare the following in the event you need to file a hurricane damage claim:
- Call your insurance agent and request a copy of your insurance policy
- Photograph or video the inside of your property
Create a spreadsheet of all your personal property. This includes furniture, clothing, electronics, jewelry, and all other contents. Ideally, you should also list brand, age and quantities
All of these items should be stored electronically or put in a waterproof and portable container
Hurricane Insurance Adjusters – On Your Side
The Public Adjusters work in conjunction with renowned experts who assist us in compiling the most comprehensive hurricane claim package to present to your insurance company. This allows us to show the insurance company exactly what they owe you and obtain a fast and fair settlement.
Our team of insurance claim experts has a proven track record of success. From structural engineers to meteorologists, public adjusters, hurricane insurance adjusters, and property damage appraisers, we know what needs to be done and who to get involved in to settle your claim.
In September 2017, a Texas insurance company denied large portions of hurricane-related damage to most homes and businesses located in Houston TX. The denials were based on the all-too-common “wind versus wave” argument. Our public adjuster firm in Houston was hired by more than 200 home and business owners in this part of Texas. By getting the right team of claim consultants hurricane insurance adjusters and experts involved, we were able to overturn the denials and deliver significant hurricane settlements on behalf of our clients.
You Have Questions? We Have Answers
The Public Adjusters are licensed to provide public adjuster and insurance appraisal services in Texas.
We have a 100% success rate of winning our client’s larger claim settlements. If we don’t secure a larger settlement for your home or business claim then you owe us NOTHING. There are no hidden fees and absolutely no downside risk. It’s that simple. Start on the road to recovery today.