Businesses that skip using videos are missing out on a lot of opportunities. Year after year, video consumption on the internet keeps rising. It’s estimated that video content will account for more than 82% of online traffic by next year!

Video’s Overall Advantages. People would rather watch videos than reading. Additionally, videos provide a unique way to connect with people, letting them see the individual behind the brand and putting out information in a personal and engaging way. People feel a strong connection to an image and the information is easy to understand. Not only are videos great for showing off your product or service, but they also build trust. For all these reasons, it’s time to start posting videos on YouTube, your website, and social media platforms, or even creating a YouTube channel. Here are more business-boosting benefits.

Videos Bring in the Prospects. YouTube is one of the world’s most popular search engines, second only to Google, which owns it. Many people begin their search for your product or service on YouTube. That’s why product reviews, unveiling, and how-to videos are great for attracting new prospects

Videos Boost Your Online Presence. To help your video rank well on YouTube, include keywords in the title and description and incorporate some of YouTube’s search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. Put links to your website in the description and video comments to raise its ranking.

Videos Build Trust Three Ways. First, videos are an effective way to educate prospects and clients, which demonstrates your expertise. Second, videos are great for telling your mission, purpose, and goals key to building trust in your brand today. Third, testimonials, referrals, and review videos build trust, since people tend to believe what others say about you.

Videos Enhance Other Marketing Efforts. Videos can be used on your website, in emails, and on social platforms, or be turned into podcasts or written blog posts.
Remember to add transcriptions to your videos, as people often watch them on mute with captions.

Videos Strengthen Local Connections. Local content works well on YouTube. Post videos about local events, local news, case studies featuring local customers, or find out what interests your audience that relates to what you do, and create a video about it.

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