The point of a Facebook Business Page is to promote your brand effectively. But simple mistakes can undercut your efforts. Here are tips on what to avoid:

Avoid straying from your brand. The look and tone of your Facebook Business Page should feel like your business. You can be more casual on Facebook than on a platform like LinkedIn, but your brand personality should be consistent with your website and your other communications.

Avoid being complacent. Experiment with novel types of content. Facebook is a great place to try new things—infographics, videos, photos, charts, sketches. These could go viral and seriously boost organic reach. Varying posts also helps engagement, shares, and likes.

Avoid waiting for the world to interact with you. Create opportunities for followers to connect. Come up with contests, ask people to submit photos of themselves relating to your brand, invite questions and comments—and reply promptly! Personal interactions build trust and reward people for coming back.

Avoid dismissing third-party tools. These can make it way easier to manage and promote your Page, and help you produce more engaging content.

Avoid posting sporadically. Make a posting schedule that works—and stick to it! The right frequency varies with the business, but if you post irregularly, people stop checking in. Beware too, if you post excessively, you could flood your followers’ feeds and drive them away.

Avoid passing on Facebook ads. Your Facebook Business Page only reaches people who search for you on the platform. Facebook ads let you reach a bigger audience—and you can target viewers by location, interests, even buying behavior.

Avoid skipping ad testing. Testing is the key to success with Facebook ads. Paying for testing may seem financially counterintuitive but it ensures you avoid blowing your budget on ineffective ads. Testing versions of an ad provides information on which ad is most effective, so the money you spend gives you the biggest return.

Here’s how to do the most for your brand on Facebook:

Do fill out your whole profile. Take advantage of every search field. Be sure to:

  • Put in all contact and location information, including your website address
  • Enable all features that allow users to send messages and leave reviews
  • Include a company description, mission statement, profile picture, and cover photo

Do optimize Facebook search. People use Facebook’s native search engine to find brands their peers and friends recommend. Consider the keywords people use in these searches. Put those keywords in your brand description. Ask your most satisfied clients for on-platform reviews to further boost search results.

Do use the analytics. Facebook offers Insights—an analytics tool you can access from your Business Page. Insights tracks things such as clicks, messages, Page views, likes, post engagements, recommendations, and post reach. It also has a responsiveness score which reflects how quickly and frequently you reply—the higher your score the better.

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